

Register and vote from anywhere

The VoteFromAnywhere™ app allows voters to vote on mobile phones and tablets. Security, integrity and privacy are the main concerns of any computerized voting system, which have been addressed by the VoteFromAnywhere™ system. This is built on cutting-edge technology to provide the most secure and private voting system to our voters. All personal voter records and election data will be encrypted before being sent over Internet Protocol. Special encryption algorithms will be used to protect privacy and system security. All data will be duplicated and saved on a redundant/fault tolerant machine for recovery in case of major failures or catastrophes.

The ultimate goal of this system is to make the entire election process run smoothly by integrating all aspects of election-related activities - such as voter registration/confirmation by election officials, configuration and creation of ballots by election officials, offering online voting. line for all voters, Absentees and Foreign Soldiers, Voting, Counting, Results Integration and Reports - all in one system.

VoteFromAnywhere™ was developed around two main roles: Voters and Election Officials, and our goal is to provide the right solutions so they can do their part with ease and our electoral process can run smoothly. The VoteFromAnywhere app allows voters to vote and also register to vote from their phones.

VoteFromAnywhere™ can also be used by the private sector to perform all election-related activities - such as registering and confirming voters by election officials, configuring and creating ballots by election officials, offering online voting to all voters, absentee and voters from abroad, conducting research, Tabulation, Integration of Results and Reports as well.

Dragon Tiger
